Turkish Airlines Has The Best Safety Video I’ve Seen In Quite A While!

Sure, some of my interest in the video comes from the fact that I have kids. But, I think even adults will get a kick out of Turkish Airlines’ new safety video.
Airlines have really stepped up their game when it comes to safety videos over the past few years. The first airline I can recall amusing me with a video was United Airlines. They had Olympic athletes doing funny things and I laughed quite a bit. Since then, tons of airlines have come out with some great safety videos. Turkish Airlines really takes the cake with their newest video:
The Final Two Pennies
I saw this on One Mile at a Time yesterday and couldn’t pass up sharing it with you guys. I wish more airlines went out of their way to have fun with their customer interactions. I’ve flown Turkish Airlines and found the crews to be very interactive. It’s no surprise to me they’ve got a fun safety video.
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