Universal Studios Hotel Reviews And What The Heck Is Coworking? New Episode!

Take a look (or a listen) to what we have going on with this week’s episode of the Miles To Go podcast!
Summer is back on the podcast with us and we’re talking Universal Studios and Disney World. She got a chance to stay at one of the on-site Universal hotels and gives us the full scoop. We also discuss ticket strategies for Universal Studios, lament the painful prices and squeeze in a few minutes about Disney World.
Next up, Mike is back to explain to us what the heck coworking actually is. I have a vague knowledge of Mike’s world, but it’s still a foreign concept to me.
We finish up with The Final Two Pennies where I share my thoughts on the recent Southwest issues.
Where to Find It!
You can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes and find it a bunch of other places as well:
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