It Appears Marriott Is Trying Very Hard Not To Piss Off China Right Now

Marriott really got the business end of China’s foot in their rear end last week. We learned that the Chinese government was shutting down the Marriott website and app for a week. That has to be a huge financial penalty for a company that operates as many hotels in China as Marriott does. Marriott made the mistake of referencing Tibet, Taiwan and other locales as sovereign countries instead of part of China.
Now, we’re learning that Marriott is removing banned books from hotel rooms in China and self-reporting to the Chinese government. This is after they announced they fired an employee who behaved rather normally on Twitter.
As Gary notes, this is essentially paying the price for doing business in China.
Am I the only one who feels like this is part Farenheit 451, part 1984, part luxury hotel stay?
The post It Appears Marriott Is Trying Very Hard Not To Piss Off China Right Now was published first on Pizza in Motion
Just to play devil’s advocate, but what do you think the response of the US & the UK would be if a world power referenced Puerto Rico or Norther Ireland as a separate countries?