GIVEAWAY: United Club Passes

A big thanks to David H for contributing 2 United Club passes to use as a giveaway. They have an expiration date of June 30, 2018. I’m giving both passes away to one lucky winner.
All you have to do to enter is leave a comment here for a chance to win. I’ll be accepting entries until 11:59pm Wednesday, March 22nd.
You can enter more than once but please don’t spam the thread. All decisions by me are final.
I want the passes!!! Thanks a ton.
Thank you for the giveaway! Could really use a lounge pass during my summer layover in Boston.
Would be nice to get the tickets! 🙂
greetings from Germany!
I can use them for my upcoming trip in Summer. Thanks!
I could use these in lieu of getting denied access to Priority Pass clubs, which seems to be the trend……
Pass please!
I’d love to use the passes on my way to Croatia this June.
Crossing my fingers that I win
Hello… I always walk past the united clubs but never got the chance to visit one.
I could use them at IAH!
Last time I tried to use a United Club for a short layover was nearly 2 years ago, I had a business class International ticket but the guy at Las Vegas didn’t want me to enter. If I’ll win these passed I’ll keep until I’ll be in Las Vegas, this will be funny 🙂
These would be great!
Thanks for chance to win the passes. I could use them on my way to a 650 mile walk this Spring in France and Spain.
Good luck to all…….
I have a trip to Croatia planned this May, as well as flights to/from EWR, Phoenix and PHL. United Club passes might make layovers more bearable! 🙂
I’d love to use them for a flight out of EWR. Thanks!
I could use the passes. Thanks!
I could use the passes for a trip coming soon to Israel that connects all over the map. Pick me please.
Going for an anniversary trip with the wife to Rome in late May! Would love to stop by the United Club at ORD on the way!
I would love to use the passes on my upcoming trip, thank you for the giveaway!
My wife and I would put the United passes to good use!
Sign me up.
Family trip to SCL and LIM over April School break….first trip to South America!! These will come in handy over a 5 hour layover at IAH….a month from today! Thanks for the giveaway…..we’re all keeping fingers crossed (!)
Thanks for the giveaway! Have a lot of trips this spring and summer so lounge access would be great!
There is a UA club at my home airport of MSP so I could use these. In addition, I am traveling on united soon so it would be great to use them for that trip. Thanks.
These would be perfect for a long layover I have en route to PPT: Thank you!
I would love the passes
Pick me Pick me
These would be great for my upcoming trip to Hawaii & Guam on UA 154. Thanks!
This would be so nice for my pregnant wife!
Flying United on Fri, would love to take my wife to the lounge.
Getting into the United Club would be an awesome start for our vacation.
Ken, looks like it’s going to be an excellent start to your vacation! You’re the winner of the United Club passes.
thanks for the giveaway!
Awesome! Thanks!
United lounge passes
Would be great to use at ewr, for my trip to Florida.
Planning a quick CA getaway. Would love to try a United Club for the first time at either SFO or LAX. Seems like the new one at LAX would be the nicer one to try?
LAX looks amazing, especially the outdoor terrace…
ORD’s renovated clubs (F and B6/B18) should be worth a visit too
Great giveaway!
We would love to use them at SNA for our upcoming trip to Seattle in May.
Pick me!! 🙂
Pick me please!! Thanks!!!
Thanks, David H! I could use those in a couple of weeks when I head up for my first visit to Toronto.
Thanks for the giveaway
Love the new club at LAX. Want to go again! Thanks
Love the site, hope I win!
Thanks for giving us all chance to win.
Wow, thanks David! I would like to gift the passes to my parents who will be traveling to D.C. to visit me in June!
I love the info you share in this blog. Thank you for sharing the passes with all of us.
Have a bachelor party in Las Vegas in a couple weeks, would be great to take the groom in for a couple drinks while we wait for our flight back home!
Passes would be great for my wife and I when we head to London from Newark in June
I’m all in. A loyal UA flyer.
These would be great for my 30th bday!! 🙂
Those passes would be great on our trip to Japan thanks for the offer
Thanks for the opportunity!
Would love to win them for myself and Mom on our layovers AUS-MAD this spring.
I would like the passes, thanks!
Love United Club passes
Thanks for the contest!
Hope to win. Thanks for the opportunity.
Perfect for my trip to Europe this Fall.
Would love United Club Access for my trip to Chicago in a couple of weeks!
Could also use them at IAH. However, unlikely to use them at AUS. Club is just too small. Only use there if a big delay.
I have a work trip taking me out to ORD in May. Would definitely be able to put the passes to good use for me and my coworker. Thanks in advance!
I’d love to give these passes to my parents to use!
These would be great.
My partner and I have a 5 hour layover in IAD in the next few weeks, would really love this to help pass the time! Thank you so much!
This is a great offer, thank you both! Passing through ORD next month.
Would love to give these to my husband who has a couple of work trips coming up and we don’t have lounge access. Thanks!
Free Passes – count me in!
Woo, pick me, pick me!
MEeeeee. Would love to use these on my next trip!
Thanks for the giveaway David. I hope I get picked
My mom, a senior citizen is traveling alone from India to SFO via Newark. Would be a great way for her to take a break during her layover. Thanks for sharing.
I’ve given passes, rather sell them on e-ba
Would love to try the newer clubs at ORD and LAX next month, thanks!
I’ve enjoyed the United Clubs I’ve had access to. I’d love the pases
My friend had several long layovers on her economy flight as she experienced and greatly appreciated her first ever lounge visits from our gift of UA passes
I may re-gift them if I didn’t need them
I can use these. On an upcoming trip
Thank you!
Would find it useful. Thanks.
Never been to a United lounge before, would love to win the passes to experience the lounge club for my next trip. Thanks! 🙂
I love United lounges! Like a party before the party!
Me! Me! Me! Please pretty! 🙂
Going to the lounge when flying United coach kind of makes up for no meals, like the good old days when meals on a plane were standard on flights over 2 hours long!
Would be great to win them. Thanks
We have a trip on United soon, so these would be great. Thanks
Have two trips coming up, and would love to use those passes. Thanks.
Oh my goodness…I could totally use this! Traveling with two toddlers this summer and I’m preparing for the worst. Thanks so much!!
I could sure use some passes for upcoming travel. Thanks in advance!!!
This is awesome! Lots of new improvements (hopefully) at these clubs.
We’re flying United on our honeymoon next month, L.A. to NYC and Chicago. Thank you!
I often fly United, or go through United cities. Woo hoo if I win!
These would be great for my upcoming trip to Newark
I believe a vacation starts with your travel going to your destination and ends with your travel coming home. United Lounge access is a sure good start or conclusion to a getaway!
i would love the passes!
everyone disses united clubs. i love ’em! and i’d love the passes!
those passes can help me on my next trip
Thanks for the opportunity! United Lounges are a special treat in the rough world of air travel these days!
Would be great to have. Thanks!
Can’t help but fly United a lot here in DEN!
Oh Oh! Pick me, please :).
Traveling with twin girls under two through Newark is made so much better by the family room at the Club Lounge! This would be a special treat for us, thanks for the opportunity 🙂
40th anniversary to Hawaii Late spring . First time and flying United. Passes would be such an added touch! Thanks!
Could really use those passes, please…
Would be great to win those
Ah! Would love this- I travel a ton for work. Would be so nice to have lounge access for once. And we have a United lounge in my airport!
I’m in
It would be great to have them! Going to Mexico (Cancun) in April from Dulles.
I’m ecstatic to have the opportunity to win these passes. I have many trips planned where I could use them.
Pick me!! 🙂 Would love to have this! I often travel for work, and have never got lounge access before! Plus, I’m a Pizza fan…as a good (real) Italian American! 🙂
I really want these passes. I have several trips coming up and these would just be awesome.
Thanks for the opportunity!
Thanks to David for his generosity and to you for running the contest!
I am still thinking of these passes!
And I am still enjoying your blog! 🙂
I’m looking forward to some trips on United after a job-related move in August.