6 More People To Hate On Airplanes, 3 Decades With US Airways And Ex-Im Lurches Closer To Reality Again

The Best of the Rest is my effort to summarize all the travel/miles & points stories that interested me on a daily basis but didn’t have time to write about in length. Culled from over 100 blogs/authors I follow, some are passed along without comment, while I add my analysis to others. This is your shortcut to find out what’s going on in the travel world without having to read dozens of travel blogs to get all the best info.
Cheap Flights of The Day: Not much out there today. Cheap, but limited fares from Chicago to Fort Lauderdale.
InsideFlyer Thread of the Day: What do you think about the gutting of British Airways short-haul awards?
Lil Nicki shares 6 more people to hate on airplanes, and I got another good laugh. Boy, can I empathize with #1 and 2. I’ve sat in front of #6 before, too.
The House of Representatives voted last week to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank. After getting some short-term funding last year, the charter for Ex-Im expired earlier this year and it’s been unable to make new loans since then. I “get” why some folks aren’t in favor of Ex-Im coming back into the picture. But, I don’t think Ex-Im going away is the right decision for big businesses (Boeing, GE) or small. I am biased. I’m a big Boeing fan and I own their stock. I’ll take any realistic opportunity to hop on a 787 if given the chance.
There’s still steps left to getting Ex-Im bank’s charter reinstated. Even though both the House and Senate are in favor of it, there are folks who are against it and a pile of red tape to sort out before it can start making loans again. I won’t be holding my breath.
One person’s tale of their journey (almost 3 decades!) with US Airways.