Free Gift Bag From Uber in NYC Today

Uber has run some pretty cool promos for customers, including giving away ice cream, delivering flu shots and delivering fashion gift bags, all for free just by clicking on the app while supplies last.
Today’s gift bag is beach themed being handed out in NYC is beach-themed and includes:
- Triwa sunglasses
- Molami headphones
- SkinCeuticals products
- $100 gift gard towards the purchase of M.GEMI sandals
Everyone who participates in this giveaway will also be entered into a drawing for a complimentary 2-night stay at Hotel Americano and $200 in Uber credits. Here’s how you get entered:
- Open the Uber app in Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens between 11am and 2pm today.
- Enter the promo code BEACHBAG.
- Request BEACH BAG to your location.
The action starts at 11am. If previous giveaways of this type are any indication, if you’re in NYC you should be prepared to mash the Uber button right at 11am if you want to get in on this!
It said success slide to access beach bag but I don’t see where. Where do I go?
Nas, It should be one of the options for where you select your car type from the map screen.
I don’t see it. I only see UberT UberPool UberX and UberBlack. Did it show up for you?
I’m not in NYC so can’t see it.
Also interesting travel promo:
Get free 25 $ hotel credit with Air bnb.
well , i am facing the same prob. there is no slider or an option for ordering a beachbag
SMITA, I believe it was only until 2pm.