For Pete’s Sake! Help Me Help Folks Affected By Cancer

I recently ran into an organization that has an interesting mission to help people with cancer. The best way to describe it is a sort of “Make a Wish” for folks like you and me. But, it’s a bit more nuanced than that.
I’ve been a LIVESTRONG supporter for quite some time. That hasn’t always carried the most positive vibe, but cancer is something that’s affected me and my family and LIVESTRONG has been there to support me. Recently, they gave me a different sort of opportunity to support them by mentoring a company in their accelerator competition. I was selected to mentor a company called “For Pete’s Sake!“, or Take a Break From Cancer (I like For Pete’s Sake).
Simple mission. They send adult cancer patients (with or without families) on a virtually all-expenses paid vacation.
The idea was originally one thought up by a cancer patient, Peter Bossow. While battling cancer, he was fortunate enough to receive some money raised by his friends and family. He chose to take his wife Marci on vacation. They reconnected on vacation and resolved to fight his cancer together. The sad part is that Peter lost his battle with cancer and never got to see his dream come to fruition the way it has today. But, Pete knew he wanted to start this effort and he told Marci to announce it in his obituary.
Listening to Marci’s story is an inspiring one for me. She walked into her bosses office, grappling with the loss of her husband, and quit her job and the certainty it provided to further Pete’s vision. She was determined to succeed, and she has. Over a decade later, For Pete’s Sake has sent thousands of people on vacation since then.
I’ve spoken with Marci and she’s determined. So are her teammates that make FPS a reality (Amber, raise your hand!). What strikes me about their team and their concept is is just so approachable.
Who can’t relate to needing some time away?
What if you were dealing with a disease that had the ability to take your life away, before you were ready?
I’m a travel nut, no surprise to anyone here. So, this charity hits me in a special way as it involves something that has caused me great pain (cancer) and something I truly love (travel).
This Is What I’m Doing
I’ve told For Pete’s Sake that I’m pledging 100,000 miles and enough hotel points for a good hotel somewhere to help facilitate a vacation for someone (or multiple someones).
I will “match” any donation of airline miles or points up to a total of half a million miles/points if anyone wants to join me.
ETA: Thanks to Rich for pointing out the obvious in the comments. I’m also happy to match cash donations if you shoot me an e-mail at ed -at- mile point dot com with the amount.
I’ll have to come up with some reasonable limit on cash donations so I don’t go bankrupt, but here’s hoping folks want to participate. I’m proposing capping individuals matches to $100 a person up to $1,000 and deal with anyone who wants an exception. 🙂
Cancer affects so many people in so many different ways each day.
Charitable giving is a personal matter, so this isn’t a hard sell. This is what I’m doing. It’s not one size fits all.
But, if you have a minute, I hope you’ll check out their website. And tell a friend (or do one of those clicky, share thingies on Facebook or the like).
You never know when you might need someone else in your corner.
I visited their website and couldn’t find any information about point/mile donations.
Heavenlyjane, they don’t have a formal vehicle for accepting points and miles. They’ve gotten some donations in the past and had to figure out how to redeem themselves. I’m helping them get set up for taking individual donations, but for now they likely can only take donations equivalent to an award that would be redeemed from someone’s account. I’m hoping to have a smaller donation path set up in the future.
It would be nice to know what airlines and minimum point quantities you are hoping for. We are always looking for homes for our small orphan buckets of points (>3000) but my guess is you won’t be interested in those.
Heavenlyjane, not just yet, no. I wish I could take the orphaned amounts. For now, it’s probably a one-way award or enough for a hotel night until I can get some accounts they can consolidate into.
Very generous match offer Ed. I just made an online cash donation and when you get the vehicle set up to take miles, please let me know.
Rick, shoot me an e-mail at ed -at- Milepoint dot com if you’re comfortable disclosing your cash donation privately. I’ll match it.