81 Hours To Europe: Wrapping Up. Should I Do It Again?

a map of the world

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Some quick stats on my trip:

  • 10,591 miles flown (this includes an estimate of the long flight up to the Arctic Circle on NordicDO and a bit of help from gcmap.com)

to Europe

  • 17,704 miles earned for flights.  That’s due to 100% bonus EQMs on all of the American Airlines and British Airways flights.  I did not include 2,000 points I’m supposed to get from SAS for the charter flights since I don’t have any other SAS points and will likely never use these 2,000 points.
  • 8738 EQMs earned towards my requalification of Executive Platinum with American Airlines.
  • 4 airlines flown (JetBlue, American, British Airways, SAS).
  • 7 airports visited (IAD, JFK, LHR, OSL, ARN, CPH, DCA).

Overall, I had fun with the blogging during my whirlwind trip.  It wasn’t quite live blogging because things like life, kids and sleep got in the way here and there.  And, it was a lot of detail.  Not sure if that was too much and some of you tuned out. What would you like to see in the future?




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    1. karung99, my flight over to Europe and back was $1100ai. That was IAD-JFK-LHR-OSL/CPH-LHR-JFK-DCA. The OSL-ARN-CPH NordicDO was $600 in coach. Happy to answer other questions!

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