Earn Miles or Points With Virtually No Risk, For Free!
One of the other blogs I follow is MommyPoints. She’s a good friend who writes about miles and points like a lot of others, except she writes about it from the perspective of someone who is the “Mommy” of a middle-class family. Travel with kids is a lot different than flying just with a significant other. I’ve always found her posts entertaining as well as informative.
She recently wrote about Kiva.
I’ve been participating in Kiva for about 10 months now. The growth of the Milepoint team has been nothing short of astounding. We crushed the million-dollar mark in less time than any other team in Kiva history.
I won’t re-hash everything MommyPoints details, because she really does a great job spelling it out. But I will go over the basics.
You can choose to make loans on Kiva by charging it on your mileage earning credit card. Once the loans repay, you can cash out and then redeposit, earning more miles. Kiva has a repayment rate of almost 99%.
And, along the way, you can do some good in third world countries. These are micro lending loads, where people get a few hundred dollars to start or expand a local business in their country.
The way I look at it, I’ve traveled to some of these countries to take advantage of beaches, resorts and other fun places to explore. So, why not give a little back when there’s very little risk.
And, earn a few miles while you’re at it!