Monthly Airplane Wi-Fi Reliability Report Card: July 2019
United performs above average in July but still below every other airline I’ve flown. Is this the start of a positive trend?
United performs above average in July but still below every other airline I’ve flown. Is this the start of a positive trend?
June is the sixth month I’ve tracked my wi-fi reliability. The numbers are going up just a bit, but only because I’m continuing to book some flights on Delta.
May marks the fifth month in a row where I’ve kept track of the Wi-Fi reliability on all of my flights. With over 50 flights in the books, we have enough of a sample size to start making some reasonable conclusions.
April marks the fourth month in a row where I’ve kept track of the Wi-Fi reliability on all of my flights. With over 40 flights in the books, we have enough of a sample size to start making some reasonable conclusions.
Wi-Fi is so critical for me on airplanes, and yet so unreliable. I’ve begun tracking my success rate with Wi-Fi on different carriers to see if my frustration in the moment matches my results. So far, with almost half of my flights experiencing some sort of Wi-Fi issues, my frustration seems appropriate.
This is my second month of tracking my Wi-Fi success on flights. So far, 2019 has been pretty poor, with United making up most of the failed connectivity. It’s insane that a decade after the expansion of in-flight internet connectivity can still be this bad.
As a business traveler, the only thing more essential than working Wi-Fi when I fly is an on-time flight. I had a pretty horrible month finding working Wi-Fi on United Airlines flights, so I figured I would start tracking my success rate until things improve.
Food is generally an after-thought when I’m in an airport. There might be “better” choices in a terminal, but I rarely find must-have choices in airports. Air Canada blew my mind this week. I can only hope this becomes the new standard for food quality in airport lounges.
Here’s a fairly comprehensive list of airlines offering travel waivers in anticipation of Hurricane Maria.
A list of travel waivers issued by the major airlines for areas affected by Hurricane Irma. I’ll be updating this throughout the week.