What My Love Of Donuts Says About Me

People share things on Facebook with me frequently. I get a chuckle out of most of them and move on with the business of the day. But, one I got yesterday stuck with me. Probably because it pretty much nails me to a “T”.
My high school English teacher has become a good friend over the past few years. After helping save me from impending (self-inflicted) doom I graduated high school and turned into a relatively productive member of society.
Neil likes to share donut-related humor on my Facebook timeline. His most recent contribution has me laughing because of how close it hits to home.
- Workaholic
- Allergic To Idiots
- Little Bit Cynical
Is there anyone who objects to that description of me? Speak now…..
The post What My Love Of Donuts Says About Me was published first on Pizza in Motion
Dead on
I know, right?
I think this depends on who makes the donuts. I stick with Krispy Kream original glazed and vanilla ice cream. Simple. Consistent. Yummy.
GR, Krispy Kreme is too sweet for me. I understand why people are passionate about them, but they’re not my favorite.