Rare Opportunity To Learn About Free Flights And Hotels As Well As Casino Loyalty Programs All In One Place

People ask me all the time how I learned so much about the world of miles and points. Well, more correctly, they ask me how they can travel like I do. I’m pretty lucky to have learned all I have and I share quite a bit of it here on the blog. There really aren’t that many in-person events to learn about this crazy world. There are fewer still that teach about casino loyalty programs. To my knowledge, there aren’t any that combine true experts from both.
ZorkFest is an event that combines a crash course on how to earn free travel with the tips and tricks you need to get the most out of casino loyalty programs. I’ve been a poker player for many years and gamble at very small levels. I’ve never really learned how to maximize the casino programs the way I do with airline and hotel loyalty programs.
Zorkfest is taking place in Atlantic City on Saturday, December 2nd. There’s also a welcome reception the night before. It’s a one-day seminar with plenty of sessions throughout the day on airline, hotel and casino loyalty powered by the folks at TravelZork (side note for computer geeks around my age: I can’t help being reminded of the text-based computer game Zork I used to play as a kid).
You can read about it and register on their website. There are a couple of key details/discounts to be aware of:
If you register by November 1st, you’ll be eligible for a $25 discount.
As an early registrant, you’ll also be entered into a drawing where the organizers are giving away a a year’s worth of Caesars Diamond status to a handful of lucky winners.
Finally, there’s an additional $10 discount you can stack, bringing the price down to $115. Two of my friends are speaking at the conference. Using one of their codes means you’ll also be entered in a drawing to win free breakfast with one of them so you can pick their brain, one-on-one.
Ladies first, enter zorkangelina at registration to get your discount and be entered to win breakfast with Angelina Travels. You’ll find Angelina writing on her own site and she also writes for The Points Guy. She just published an excellent piece on our UNICEF trip to Africa. I’m working on my write-up of that trip as well. Wait until we get to the part about the guys with guns….
Seth Miller is officially (affectionately?) know as the Wandering Aramean. Enter code zorkwandering at registration for the discount and chance to win breakfast with Seth. Seth is one of the smartest guys I know when it comes to miles and points (even though we’ve been known to disagree a time or three). You’ll find Seth writing about potential upcoming airline fights, passenger experience and industry news, especially connectivity.
They’re both interesting folks to have breakfast with.
The Final Two Pennies
I used to spend a lot of time in Atlantic City playing poker. I’m 100% sure I’ve left a lot of theoretical money on the table by not optimizing the casino loyalty programs. This seems like an ideal time for me to change that.
I don’t enjoy the drive from DC as much as I used to. But, I’m pretty sure I’ll be turning my car north to be a part of ZorkFest. I hope to see you there.
The post Rare Opportunity To Learn About Free Flights And Hotels As Well As Casino Loyalty Programs All In One Place was published first on Pizza in Motion
Max bet €100 roulette photo. Love it. 🙂 Thanks for the awesome commentary on ZorkFest. (and yes, I was played Zork as a kid…. along with every other popular game between 1978 and 1989…..)