Get A One-of-a-Kind Shirt For A Good Cause!

I admit it. I was pretty pleased when Oscar Munoz was named CEO of United Airlines, replacing Jeff Smisek. Certainly as happy as I’ve been for any recent airline CEO announcements. I know I wasn’t this excited when Doug Parker was named the CEO of American Airlines, though there was quite the air of inevitability to that.
Munoz definitely has his work cut out for him. It was both surprising and disheartening to hear about his heart attack a few weeks ago, and not just on a professional level. Folks I know got a chance to meet him and he seemed very genuine. Even with the mountain of problems to fix, it seemed he could fix them. That’s why I was pleased to see his announcement that he’ll be back soon.
I got this idea before Oscar had his heart attack and asked my wife for some help. She did awesome and we were just about to launch when the sad news came out. I filed the idea away and figured the silence after the initial announcement meant that United would need to find another CEO. When it was clear he was returning, it set up the opportunity to do some good while hopefully making people chuckle a bit.
First, the Oscar Munoz t-shirt. A Michelle Pizzarello original:
She translated my idea at some quick humor into a workable design (since I have no graphic design capability whatsoever). Denny from House of Miles tweaked it to get it ready for the t-shirts, and we’re all set.
I’ve set up a simple Square Store to handle purchases. Let me know if you have any issues.
We’re ready to go to print and we’ll be donating money to a leading heart disease charity to be selected with your assistance. As a placeholder, we’ll say American Heart Association, but leave me a comment with other worthwhile suggestions.
I’m committing at least $2 from every shirt to charity but it could be as much as $5 once we get the final prices for printing set-up, etc. Obviously, the more I sell the cheaper the cost to produce. So, more money for charity. We’ve got some other wacky ideas for t-shirts if people like this one.
As someone who has been involved with AHA for some time now, I’m rooting for the placeholder
Thanks, Mark!
I’ll buy one of the “Bring Back Tom Horton” t-shirts from you in about 6 months
But of course I’ll support you in this cause too!
Oooh, I like the “Bring Back Tom Horton” shirt idea. If we make that shirt I’ll let you pick the charity.
Trying to buy one, price show $18 but when I go to check out it show $36.
It just wants you to buy two! Let me take a look.
Platypus, pricing fixed.
And bought
Hi – no offense meant, but I don’t want to pay to be a billboard for any advertiser – even PIM – or – have to explain to 8,000 noobs what it is. Remove the logo and I’d definitely buy one tho – cool design for sure
NW, thanks for the feedback. Honestly, hadn’t thought much about the logo. If folks weigh in and want to make one without the logo I don’t think I have a big issue with that.