Grand Hyatt Playa del Carmen Open Now With Special Rates

If you’re looking for a different place to visit when heading to Cancun (especially given all the super cheap $200-ish airline tickets to fly there right now), Grand Hyatt Playa del Carmen just opened their doors.
Only a short drive from Cancun proper (45 minutes at most from the airport), Playa del Carmen has grown up a lot since my wife and I went there for our honeymoon over a decade ago (hint, I’m getting old). The Grand Hyatt looks lovely and is located right on the water near the ferry lines to Cozumel. Here’s a link to their website, though most of the pictures there are still renditions.
The property looks awesome, and there are more images now than when I wrote about the property a few weeks ago before they opened.
The property is opening as a Category 5 property in the Hyatt Gold Passport program, which means 20,000 points per night.
They’re also running a grand opening special, where paid rooms are as low as about $200 a night. You can access the promo code here, and I’ve pasted the terms & conditions below:
There’s also a promo for a 4th night free and a room upgrade you can find here, and that one is good for stays through December 20th. That could be a really good value to combine with a Diamond suite upgrade.
I don’t have anything against Cancun for a vacation, but it’s become more “American-ized” as time has gone by. Playa del Carmen is the same distance from Chichen Itza, one of the major tourist attractions in the area (and, IMO a can’t miss). It’s closer to Tulum, another major tourist attraction, Xel Ha and the ferries to Cozumel. It puts you further away from Isla Mujeres, another place you might want to visit. But, I view the location as a plus, being away from Cancun. While I suspect Playa del Carmen has a more urban feel than when I last visited a decade or so ago, I’d say this would have to be at the top of my list for places to try next time I venture down this way. Can’t wait to add this one to my growing list of Hyatt hotels visited
Is this new construction or a refurb?
Brand new construction
It looks like a nice hotel. Kinda steep, though, at 20,000 points. Hyatt does all inclusives for 25k, which seems to me like a bit better deal. Also, all inclusive places in the area are pretty cheap on cash. My wife and I stay in one in Cancun for under $200 per night, and it’s an easy walk to the Isla Mujeres ferry. I like Hyatt a lot. I’m just not sure that this particular hotel is that great compared to others.
Christian, I think this is a much different experience from the all-inclusive Hyatts. I’ve enjoyed a stay at Ziva as well, and would go back. But, I’d expect food and amenities at a GH to be a notch above.