Let’s Fight Cancer (Subtitle: Lance Armstrong Continues to Amaze Me)

My friends know I’m an unabashed Lance Armstrong fan. I was amazed that, after years away from the toughest sporting event that exists, he was almost able to win it again this year.

This encouraged me to go back to his website and do some research. Lance has raised $250 Million for cancer. Just think about that for a second. That’s more than some hospitals entire budget for cancer treatment. And we’re still not winning the battle. I have friends that still suffer from this, and we all know someone who lost the fight to cancer.

So, take a moment and read this article about Lance

Or, better yet, click here and get involved!

Lance says we need billions to fight cancer. I believe him.

To that end, I’ve bought some more yellow bracelets to hand out. If you see me, ask for one.

Just be prepared to make a donation. 😉

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