2.5 MILLION Points To Book A Marriott Hotel Award For One Night???

a screen shot of a phone

I love it when big companies have tech issues.  I’m sure it’s hard to keep a database the size of Marriott’s running efficiently.  But, you would think they’d have some sort of a stop gap built in.  For example, limiting award rooms to just a few hundred thousand points per night…..

a screen shot of a computer

The Final Two Pennies

This was obviously a glitch that was resolved later in the day.  Apparently there were multiple cities pricing in this fashion.  Heck, once you get to 2.5 Million, the extra 90,000 seems cheap!

Thanks to my friend Haung for giving me a good laugh this morning!

The post 2.5 MILLION Points To Book A Marriott Hotel Award For One Night??? was published first on Pizza in Motion


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