The Winner Of Two Free Nights At The Palace Hotel Is…

a building with lights on top

A big thanks to all the folks who shared their thoughts in the contest for the two free nights at the Palace Hotel.  I enjoyed reading which auctions people picked as their favorites along with all the reasons for visiting the Palace.  I used to pick the winner, which was gobluetwo, who said:

Why the Palace Hotel? We generally travel with the kids, so definitely not staying anywhere so opulent and elegant. Would love to stay at a place like that with my wife! It’s been far too long since we’ve done an urban getaway (done a few beach getaways, but definitely a different feel).

Michelle and I always travel with the kids as well, so I can relate!  Hoping that he and his wife have a great time at the Palace Hotel.  I’m still jealous one of my readers gets to stay there for free before I get a chance to try out the hotel!

Palace Hotel

The post The Winner Of Two Free Nights At The Palace Hotel Is… was published first on Pizza in Motion.


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