State Capital Trivia Answer And Winners

Thanks to everyone who participated in my recent trivia giveaway.  The challenge was to find 10 capital cities in the US that don’t have commercial air service.  I originally said 9 and was corrected by a few folks.  The ten capital cities without air service are, in no specific order:

Carson City, Nevada

Olympia, Washington

Frankfort, Kentucky

Concord, New Hampshire

Montpelier, Vermont

Salem, Oregon

Dover, Delaware

Annapolis, Maryland

Topeka, Kansas

Jefferson City, Missouri

There was some debate about places like Cincinnati, where the airport is technically in KY. But, I gave Cincy credit for having an airport.

I randomly chose our two winners.  Leo C won the $25 Amazon gift card and Twitterjimmy, appropriately, will get the $5 Tweet a Coffee from Starbucks.  Thanks to everyone who participated.

Was this fun for folks?  Should I try to come up with more trivia questions?

I thought of another way to make this fun.  If you have a great trivia question you think would work for weekly blog trivia (something that’s not easy to Google), shoot me an e-mail at -ed- at milepoint dot com.

If I use your question for trivia, I’ll tweet you a $5 Starbucks gift card and recognize your work on the blog.


The post Airlines: State Capital Trivia Answers and Winners was published first on Pizza In Motion.

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  1. I hadn’t been aware that United discontinued its Topeka, Kan., service in September. There were direct ORD flights for over a year. Sorry to learn about that.

    1. Color me stupid. I remember having the discussion about Cincy but never even contemplated capital/no capital, just whether they had an airport. Been to Columbus enough that should have clicked when I was having the discussion.

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