
News And Notes For Monday, November 19th

Intercontinental Hotels Priority Club and United Airlines MileagePlus appear to be offering triple miles for reservations.  I say appear because I got a text message from United detailing the offer with a link to a mobile site.  However, the page it brings you to has no terms and conditions at all.  I clicked through to the confirmation screen and didn’t see any further details.  The good news is that a few random searches yielded the same rate on the regular booking site and the link above.  So, not much harm in using this link if you have a, Intercontinental stay coming up.

It looks like Hawaiian Airlines are getting more valuable.  Wandering Aramean is reporting that Virgin America and Hawaiian Airlines have introduced reciprocal mileage redemption.  I like Virgin America as a product, but I’m not a huge fan of their loyalty program.  I’ve flown them a handful of times but don’t go out of my way to fly them mostly because there’s no loyalty value at all for me there.  But, members of Virgin America will surely find some value in additional redemption options.

I’ve already detailed how to earn Hawaiian miles from your Amazon purchases (the only way I currently know to earn some sort of mainstream US carrier miles).

And now, those accruing Hawaiian miles have some domestic US redemptions to look forward to.  As Seth points out, I don’t think the values are particularly wonderful.  But, for those crediting Amazon purchases to Hawaiian, it beats a sharp stick in the eye.

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